Summary :
- Training is an investment for customer satisfaction leading to long term success.
- The 70-20-10 Model training for Corporate Learning and Development
- Skill-Gaps should be assessed internally as well as externally.
- Re-orienting each Training Colleges/Centres as Centre of Excellence(CoE) in a specific Subject.
1. Fact-finding Reports from Departments like
I&A, Vigilance, CGRS, Law, etc to Training System for identifying Skill Gaps
& Training Needs.
2. Mystery Shopping Technique to explore Service
Gaps & Training Needs by Training System.
3. Learn-Apply-Share Method to be adopted by Training
System to retain the training objectives by trainees.
70-20-10 Model training
for Corporate Learning and Development.
each Training Colleges/Centres as Centre of Excellence(CoE) in a specific
Subject like Leadership Development Centre; Risk & Stress Management
Centre; Digital Product Innovation Centre; Corporate Credit, Treasury &
International Business College, etc.
Focus: |
Equity |
Sector Expertise: |
Energy |